nj turnpike toll rates schedule

NJTA 2004 Standard Supplementary - New Jersey Turnpike Authority.
NJ Legislators Demand Seat At Turnpike Authority Table [AUDIO]. The new year brings higher toll rates on the Garden State Parkway & New Jersey Turnpike .
Welcome to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, serving drivers.
Jan 1, 2012. TRENTON, N.J. - January 1, 2012 (WPVI) -- For the second time in three years, toll rates have risen on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden.
Nov 29, 2011. The New Jersey Turnpike Authority collected $943 million in revenue in the first 10 months of 2011, about 5 percent less than its target of $990.
nj turnpike toll rates schedule
Your comments: N.J. Turnpike Authority budget stays the same as.Sep 8, 2011. The New Jersey Turnpike Authority has decided to end the system that. and sent a notice to pay the toll as well as a $50 administrative fee.
On this page, you'll find a list of current opportunities for providing goods and services to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, along with important information.
Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey turnpike tolls, exits, maps, service plazas and weather. Complete interstate turnpike information and travel news.
Jon Corzine wants a big boost in turnpike fees to pay down the state's. Eugene Sonn: Raise the rates at New Jersey's 66 toll plazas dramatically -- that's Gov.. So the governor has scheduled 21 public meetings on the plan -- like this one.
Recent Nj Turnpike Stories | 6abc.com.
Turnpike Tolls, Exits, Weather and Service Plazas on TurnpikeInfo.
New Jersey Turnpike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Interstate 276 Toll Rates at TollFinder.com.
New Jersey Turnpike Authority - New Jersey 101.5.
Apr 6, 2011. Three New Jersey Turnpike toll collectors have been arrested and. the real fee from drivers and pocketed the difference, Feeney said.
The New Jersey Turnpike is a closed-system toll road, using a system of long- distance. possible that commuters will receive discounts from the higher toll rates. ... This project was completed in April 2010, five to six months behind schedule.

TOLL RATES/DISCOUNTS for DRJTBC BRIDGES. The E-ZPass Group includes the DRJTBC, the New Jersey Turnpike, Pennsylvania Turnpike and other.
Dec 29, 2011. Off-peak rates for cars traveling the length of the road will rise to $10.40, according to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority's website. Tolls for cars.
Dec 15, 2011. With these new toll rates, I predict that the traffic on I-295, which parallels the Turnpike south of Trenton, will see increased traffic. NJ.com user.
nj turnpike toll rates schedule
DRJTBC - Toll Rates - Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.New Jersey Turnpike Outlook Revised to Negative on Toll Transfer.